

Let’s talk

What should I expect?

Here’s a quick look at our six-step migration and on boarding process.

1. Determine your needs

Our MIDAS team contacts you to determine your needs and develop a custom migration strategy.

2. Help you get ready

Sherweb will prepare your hosted environment and help you get ready.

3. Migrate

Sherweb will start migrating your users' data.

4. You're Live!

Your email is now live on your new Hosted Exchange environment.

5. One-click configuration

We have a one-click application to help you configure your email client, such as Outlook.

6. Confirm your satisfaction

Sherweb will confirm that you are up and running and 100% satisfied.

Is your migration more complex?

We can handle hybrid deployment, staged migration, etc.

Let’s chat

Our MIDAS team

Let our Migration Data Service team (MIDAS) handle your migration, whether it’s on-premises (Microsoft Exchange, IBM, Lotus Notes, Zimbra or POP3) or on a cloud-based system (Gmail, Hotmail, Office 365).

No downtime, no data loss.

You set the pace. We adapt to your schedule.

We’ve handled more than 50,000 business migrations.