Protect clients where they’re most vulnerable: email
With new communication options popping up monthly, email may look old fashioned to some. But five decades on, email is still the leading form of electronic communication. In fact, its use only continues to grow. More than 280 billion email messages were exchanged globally in 2018, and almost 350 billion are forecast by 2023. However, […]
4 years ago November 5, 2020
5 min read
Block email from top spamming countries with Office Protect
Those first years of business can be exhilarating. It’s just you and maybe one or two other founders, working hard on building your brand and your customer base. Things are crazy, and your biggest job is to get people talking about your product. Finally, things start taking off—you begin hiring more people, finances get better, […]
6 years ago June 20, 2019
5 min read