MSP compliance best practices for success
Today’s ever-evolving business landscape is one in which legal and regulatory frameworks continuously mold and shape industry practices. Indeed, compliance has emerged as the cornerstone of success, as it ensures adherence to laws, regulations and industry standards, at the same time mitigating risks and building trust with stakeholders. While compliance is a significant component of […]
Everything you need to know about the Microsoft 365 Compliance Center
The world of regulation and legislation is a busy one. According to Thomson Reuters’ Compliance Survey, “For 2019, the most commonly cited challenges included: increasing regulatory burden; financial crime, anti-money laundering; culture & conduct risk; and the availability of skilled resources.” The same study showed the biggest compliance challenges predicted for 2020 are “keeping up […]
Microsoft 365 Security Compliance features
Security and compliance can be a challenging topic for any business owner. It’s legally required but can be cumbersome and tricky to implement without the right tools. Fortunately, if you have Microsoft 365, you have the right tools already! Microsoft 365 has many features that can help with all aspects of security compliance requirements. There […]
Cloud security compliance certifications that matter to your customers
We’ve probably all been guilty at least once of spouting off an IT acronym in response to a prospective customer’s question about compliance, only to see their eyes glaze over. They don’t care about a string of letters, they want to know how we’re going to solve their business problems. And unfortunately, when it comes […]
Office 365 Security, Compliance and Privacy Capabilities
One of the biggest concerns for IT departments is the security of data in the cloud. Cloud usage has exploded and brought about an increase in the use of mobile devices. While it can generate cost savings, there are also increased security risks to your sensitive data. In order for you to decide if Microsoft’s cloud […]