Dynamics 365 for Operations is a business application that makes decision making smart and quick. It helps companies deliver proven business logic and redesigns business processes to stay ahead of the competition. It removes the obstacles of time and distance by giving the flexibility to perform operations globally to meet business needs.

Every business wants to design their processes to do the job as fast and accurately as possible. Dynamics 365 is built to help business activities and operations run as expected while giving managers real-time information to focus on other areas.


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There are benefits of using Dynamics 365 for operations. Companies can reduce operating costs such as communication, cooperation, transportation, etc. The functionalities provided by the Operations app. focus on reducing time and costs while meeting the needs of employees, managers, and customers. It increases the performance of all business operational activities.

Dynamics 365 for operations has benefits for every business. Here are ten benefits that any company can use:


1. User friendly interface

Dynamics 365 offers a user interface that is very friendly and easy to use. Users will quickly learn and become familiar with the software. Every user can focus on their job and be more productive performing their daily activities. This applies to every user, whether they handle regular transactions to managers who work on reports.


2. Smooth provisioning process

The provisioning process will run very smoothly. The purchase order preparation workspace provides details for every order. Information about the creation of the order is displayed including all details up to order confirmation. All details gather in one location. Workers have the information needed about orders without wasting time navigating to different areas.


3. More visibility for vendors

Dynamics 365 for Operations has the functionality to let vendors collaborate within every purchase order. Vendors can view purchase orders and can take various actions as necessary. This helps prevent order miscommunication and misunderstanding. The functionality of vendor collaboration allows them to respond to individual purchase orders and make changes like revising dates, quantities, and other changes.


4. Easy inventory monitoring

Keeping track of materials is easy. Use the handheld devices to keep track of inventory, the arrival of raw materials, outgoing finished goods or other materials, and the movement of stock between different locations. Moving materials for production can be recorded instantly as the information can transfer fast and accurately.


5. Increased visibility for management

Supervisors will have information for production through the Production Floor Management Workspace. They can check if the materials for a particular product are available on a requested date. The information about scheduled production orders is available anytime letting managers efficiently organize jobs and coordinate employees to get the job completed. Real-time information assists information managers with fulfilling orders as expected to keep customers happy.

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6. Inventory ownership

Storing vendor inventory in warehouses benefits from the Consignment Inventory functionality. Materials are stored in the company’s warehouse but are not purchased until production needs the materials. Dynamics 365 makes it simple to keep track of inventory including materials stored but not owned by the company. The ownership of the inventory changes when materials are ready to use and only then will it affect financial transactions and the general ledger. A journal handles the ownership change and generates the purchase order for material consumption.


7. Centralized payments

Dynamics 365 for Operations offers centralized payments. The payment clerks can view invoices across companies. The workspaces for customer and vendor payments provide better visibility for overdue invoices. It is easy to keep track of invoices and payments without having to check every area by navigating through all legal entities.


8. Effortless inventory management

Managing inventory in Dynamics 365 is smooth and flexible. Inventory management tasks become almost effortless like inbound operations, quality assurance, outbound operations, inventory control, and more. Each of these functions is related to the other, so the movement of materials and registered transactions give employees and managers an overview of all activities for better future planning. Communication among employees is more accurate regardless of where they are working.


9. Material requirements forecast

Dynamics 365 has a master planning module to plan for future material requirements. This functionality offers the ability to determine raw material and capacity needs to meet goals. This helps to define current capabilities, items to manufacture, purchasing requirements, etc. With this functionality, companies will become fully aware of their daily processes and capacities to accomplish all they need to do. Using forecast planning, companies can project long-term plans and future potential.


10. Easy movement managing of materials

The Transportation Management Module sets managing the movement of materials and products. There are multiple benefits of this functionality. Monitoring all inbound and outbound transportations is easy. Companies can identify the orders to be fulfilled and show the quickest routing solution for inbound and outbound orders. Now, you can organize the transport of materials to be delivered as soon as possible and identify the least expensive rates for transportation. Companies that do a high volume of material movement between warehouses, raw materials from vendors, and products to customers can organize their specific plan of transportation for optimal effectiveness.


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These are only a few of the benefits of Dynamics 365 for Operations among all the functionalities provided by the software. Every company deciding to use Dynamics 365 for Operations will see their unique advantages and can increase the performance of each activity of every employee.

Written by The Sherweb Team Collaborators @ Sherweb