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We’ve previously discussed why adding Azure services to your offering is a sure bet in a fragile economy, and how to do it without unnecessary headaches. While your clients will appreciate the mobility, security and speed of Azure cloud services, the value for you (aside from the recurring revenue!) lies in the flexibility: scaling up or down rapidly as the needs and circumstances of your end customers change.

However, every client is different and cookie-cutter sales tactics will likely get you nowhere. With that said, let’s have a look at how to best approach that first exploratory meeting, what to ask and how to prove your value!

What type of client are you serving?

An architectural firm, for example, has different needs from a warehouse. They can be expected to utilize high-end machines and a big server with lots of storage. What do they want to achieve that they currently cannot?

What kind of cloud vision does the client have? It’s entirely possible they won’t have the first idea, and that’s okay. They’re not IT experts. They’ll probably have a solid idea of how they want to work on a daily basis, though. Based on that, you can suggest a hybrid on-prem and cloud solution, or perhaps moving them entirely to the cloud.

What can you do for these clients?

Here’s where you show how Azure fits the bill. Azure Virtual Desktop, for example. It’s a more permanent work-from-home solution than, say, VPNs or remote access services. You get access to the same machine with the same instantaneous experience whether you’re using a PC, an iPad or a smartphone.

Then there’s the appealing prospect of long-term hardware savings. Some companies need a lot of hardware—giant desktops with lots of memory that come at a hefty price tag. Periodically replicating those machines when they’re nearing end of life is expensive. But if you can take that very same machine and put it in AVD, you’re only really buying it once, and its performance is guaranteed. These savings remain significant relative to budgets for smaller companies, too.

Azure also offers the added flexibility of scaling up or down as needed. Business owners are hesitant to invest capital in big projects in the current climate. From a practical standpoint, it might be wiser for them to retain the ability to backtrack quickly and cheaply if needed, or expand if things are going well.

Why Azure cloud services

When it comes to the infrastructure market, it’s a battle between AWS and Azure. While somewhat similar, depending on your positioning, there are a couple of good reasons why you should go with Azure:


With Azure, you don’t need to pay for the operating system. AWS might not charge for this separately, but the price of the extra OS is very much built into the price of your monthly subscription.


Customers are slowly waking up to the fact that security is essential. With Azure, it’s already baked in and ready to be turned on—Microsoft was the first one to roll out MFA conditional access, for example. The features are all embedded, whereas with AWS they may be costlier to implement since you’d need to do it via third-party tools.

Disaster recovery & backup

In the event of the unforeseeable, Azure keeps the business running. Save a physical server in a fire or flick a switch to restore continuity in minutes? It’s a no-brainer, really. Your clients will sleep better at night not having to worry about their hardware dying on them.


Self-study materials and collaterals galore exist for Azure cloud services. If you identify a gap in your Azure knowledge, chances are the answer is just minutes away. It’s not just technical queries, either; sales, marketing, and business tips are available as well.

And if you really need it in a hurry, Sherweb partners can access subject matter experts at their convenience—one of the many benefits of working with a dedicated cloud partner. They’re especially happy to help you with quoting and scoping. It’s all part of our promise to accompany our partners in their cloud adventure! Delegate some of the heavy lifting to us and buy back the most important asset of all: your time.

Learn more about Microsoft Azure

For a more detailed look on the various aspects of your Azure offering, check out this video or sign up to become a Sherweb partner and get started making Azure cloud services a more profitable piece of your managed services business.

Maximizing Azure Cloud Services video

Written by The Sherweb Team Collaborators @ Sherweb