Let’s say you’re a millionaire and I’m a Ferrari salesman. I can spend weeks preparing a presentation showcasing all the car’s specs and technical features. Or, I can invite you to test drive and feel the engine’s power while the car goes from 0 to a 100 km/h in 3 seconds.
Which way will sell the car faster?
That’s right. There’s no doubt that specs are very important; we all need theory to understand the basics of how things work. But when people are paying big sums of money for their product, they would like to see it in action before making a purchase decision.
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What makes a good demonstration?
Just like any business demo, presenting Dynamics 365 requires much homework. It could be what helps close the deal for your customer so you are well-prepared and organized.
Consider these tips when preparing a Dynamics 365 demo:
1. Make it simple
Some (if not all) people in the room have never seen Dynamics 365. Therefore, some terms and features that may sound trivial to you may be unknown or have a different meaning to your audience. It is essential to keep the demo simple and straight to the point so your audience doesn’t get overwhelmed and lose interest.
2. Include a real-life targeted example
If you’re doing a demonstration for a company that sells medical equipment, they don’t want to see data for a financial company. We know it’s a demo, so it may be impossible to cover their business process, but it would be useful for the customer to see how Dynamics 365 can help their business grow.
3. Address questions and problems
Rather than creating a generic demo, have a meeting with your customer before the demo preparation to discuss what’s in place right now and what are the expectations from the business solution. Some customers might be interested in the data model and building relationships between different entities; others may be more interested in creating workflows. Focusing on the customer’s needs is a big plus to deliver a successful demo.
4. Involve the audience
This is true for any demo, and not specific to Dynamics 365. No matter how good the software is, and how good the presenter is, watching 60 minutes of adding records, filling fields, and creating workflows is not the most exciting way to present your demo. To avoid having the IT Manager daydreaming about beaches in the Bahamas, you should include your audience in your presentation. It doesn’t have to complicated. Let people choose the name of the records or the values of some fields, and they will feel like they’re part of the demo and will pay more attention.
5. Record the demonstration
If you ever tried to schedule a demo for a big client, you already know the hassle of finding a time where all decision-makers and stakeholders are free. We get it. People have things to do. This shouldn’t stop you from delivering your demo at any time. Make sure you have the majority of people attending and record the entire session (including the questions asked and answered). It can be handy for the customer, allowing them to watch the demo again and allowing people unable to attend to watch it on their time. It’s also good for you, the presenter, as you can watch it again to determine what went well, and how to improve the next demo.
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How to prepare a Dynamics 365 demonstration?
Microsoft has made it very easy to set up a trial environment for demos.
- Go to https://trials.dynamics.com/
- Choose the app you want (you can add more apps at a later stage)
- Click ‘Sign up here’ to create an account on behalf of your customer.
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Selling software is no easy task. In today’s competitive world, it is getting harder to convince a business to hand over all their data so you can set up a new system for them. Dynamics 365 demos have been part of the selling process from the early Dynamics days. Clients always demand to see the system in action before they decide if they are interested.
A good demo means better a chance of closing the deal; there’s no doubt about that. There’s no “one way” to make demos because of all the variables in the mix (customers, presenters, and needs can all be different). But there are basic guidelines that can help you deliver an amazing demo regardless of the requirements.
Follow our tips and good luck with your upcoming presentation!